Industrial scale-up
08 November at 2:00 pm
1 – The challenge AGORA – Together we’ll overcome the obstacles! We’ll put everything on the table: constraints, opportunities, risks, fears, expectations, requirements, theories, inspiring examples…to put our shared vision and goals into action.
2 – Research KIOSKS – We’ll go into battle! In close ranks, ready to use our expertise to
regulatory fundamentals (presented by Ministry of ecological transition and INERIS)
funding (presented by BPI and Demeter)
role of the territories (with the example of Belfort and Ville de Belfort)
Jobs and skills (presented by AFPA)
Jobs and Industry 4.0 (presented by Cetim)
Mastering industrialisation (presented by McPhy)
Process and alternative technologies (presented by Haffner Energy)
Feedback (presented by VDN)
Feedback (presented by Renault Group)
3 – The solutions PODIUM – Drawing from everyone’s experience and from kiosk inspirations, we will share our practical ideas and our successes to activate industrial scale-up.
4 – Face-to-face PLATFORMS – In pairs, based on similarities, interests, synergies… everyone will be asked to face their partner to advance, elevate and become committed to taking action, big and small, in the short and medium term.
5 – The promise WALL – We all meet to discuss our choices and our first steps for action and transformation.
5 moments, 5 speeds and 1 secure, serene and sustainable acceleration of industrial scale-up. Committed to resolve these specific issues? Join us for these key moments to shake up our thinking and start taking action!
*kiosk themes being developed
The “labs” will be all in English
The team preparing the lab
Nadège Lossouarn
Collaborative session designer
Nadège Lossouarn has designed and implemented some of the most successful collaborative innovation Labs in Europe for Airbus, Eurocopter, Française des Jeux, MAIF or Technip. Trained within the ASE network, she deals with collaborative complexity in all its dimensions. As tireless as committed, she also opened a restaurant in the Southwest of France.
Lab Industrial scale up

David Pomonti
Ecotechnologies Manager
Mechanical Engineer ENSEM Nancy with a Master of Science at the University of Rochester, New York, USA. Initial scientific training completed by a Master of Business Administration from IAE Paris 1 La Sorbonne. Twenty years of experience in the automotive industry, mainly at Renault as R&D Manager in charge of the development of powertrains for sports cars, then of customer services for the whole range of Commercial Vehicles. Management of teams of ~100 engineers and technicians. Since October 2021, in the Expertise Department of BPIFrance, in charge of the Ecotechnologies team in charge of financing environmental projects. Directly in charge of all hydrogen projects including the PIIEC. Sectoral coordination of the hydrogen eco-system through the participation and organisation of events.

Antoine Ressicaud
Chief Operating Officer
Antoine RESSICAUD is McPhy Chief Operating Officer since September 2022. He joined McPhy in 2021 as Chief Manufacturing & Procurement Officer. Antoine oversees the Manufacturing, Procurement, Production and Industrialization activities of the company. He also defines and implements the highest quality standards and processes. Before joining McPhy, he held several leadership roles at Alstom-General Electric in Lean Management, Manufacturing Management and Supply Chain Management. Prior to that, Antoine spent 12 years working in the automotive industry (at Valeo), mainly in Manufacturing leadership roles.
Workshop facilitator: “Tips for a rapide scale up”
Marine Sonilhac
Facilitator, collaborative project manager
Marine loves simplifying her clients’ lives. Her priority is to connect with her clients and their teams to develop trust. Her specific attention to interactions and her capacity to adapt both improve collaboration. Her level of demand in preparing sessions and the energy she puts in the delivery both highly contribute to the success of the collaborative sessions she works on with her clients.
Lab Industrial scale up

Jan-Erik Starlander
Head of relations with territories and local authorities
Jan-Erik Starlander is head of relations with territories and local authorities at France Hydrogen, the French national hydrogen association. He holds a MSc in Environmental Management and Policy from the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) of the University of Lund (Sweden). Before joining France Hydrogen, he has been working on industry and energy transition support at CCI France, the roof organisation of French Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI).
An event organised by
With the support of
In partnership with