6 collaborative times to progress and innovate!

These collaborative times are led by specialists and boosted by our guests, harnessing everyone’s expertise to advance, create synergy and tackle tomorrow’s challenges.



Production hubs to decarbonise industry


We propose a collaborative experience to learn, share experiences, discuss and exemplify this topic ! Some experts will share the state of the art at the beginning of the workshop. Then, in small sub groups, you will have the opportunity to discuss, share experiences and ideas on a specific angle of this topic: technologies, infrastructures, public and private foundings, decarbonized energy… During the report-out, some pragmatic, short-term actions will emerge. Your participation is more than welcome to shape a more diversified and effective hydrogen landscape.


A workshop in English, led by:

Aurélie Picart, General Delegate of the “New Energy Systems” Strategic Sector Committee

Clément Audouin, Principal decarbonation – Roland Berger




Experts' Best practices for a successful scale up


Engage with global thought leaders at the “Industrial Scale Up” workshop. We propose a collaborative experience to learn, share experiences, discuss and exemplify this topic ! Some experts will share the state of the art at the beginning of the workshop. Then, in small sub groups, you will have the opportunity to discuss and share experiences and ideas on a specific angle of this topic : from funding models, recruitment and onboarding, settlement and ecosystems management, roadmap development, passing by project management, actionable strategies, benchmark, supply chain to total quality, customer feedback and industrialisation / co-development strategies… During the report-out, some pragmatic tips and best practices will emerge. Join us to contribute to propelling hydrogen’s scale up towards a sustainable future !


A workshop in English, led by:

Antoine Ressicaud, Chief Operating Officer chez McPhy,

Jules Billiet, CEO d’Inocel

Richard Rihouet, Manufacturing Director d’Inocel

Science corner


H2 and AI


Artificial intelligence and hydrogen are now independently identified as highly strategic sectors for economic development, at both national and European levels.
The aim of the science corner will be to take stock of how artificial intelligence can help accelerate the development and market launch of hydrogen energy systems.
Testimonials from both academia and industry will highlight the benefits of co-development at the interface between AI and H2. Tools for implementing such co-developments will also be discussed.
Solution providers, research laboratories, R&D centers and end-users are all welcome to join in the discussions!

Moderated by:

Christophe Geissler, partner Advestis

Daniel Hissel, Vice-président, UNIVERSITÉ DE FRANCHE-COMTÉ, Membre senior, Institut universitaire de France, Directeur adjoint, Fédération nationale Hydrogène (FRH2 CNRS), responsable d’équipe de recherche SHARPAC, FEMTO-ST



Stationnary applications: examples and prospects around the world


Join leading experts in the “stationary applications” workshop. We propose a collaborative experience to learn, share experiences, discuss and try to answer some key questions regarding this topic ! Some experts will share the state of the art at the beginning of the workshop. Then, in small sub groups, you will have the opportunity to discuss, share experiences, ideas and propose answers to burning questions : what are the contextual conditions that make hydrogen relevant in stationary applications ? Exemplify relevant use cases of hydrogen in stationary applications, PEMFC/SOFC: which technology for which uses ? What can be done to promote hydrogen in stationary applications ? what about hydrogen production, transport, and storage ?  …

Your participation is more than welcome to support stationary applications thoughts and clues, contributing to shape a sustainable future.


A workshop in english, animated by:

Heathcliff Demaie, Project manager Hydrogen-Energy at université de Lorraine

Brigitte Vu, researcher, UTBM



How to reduce the use of critical materials?


The recent climatic events render evident the need of decarbonization of our energy mix, our industry and our transportation sector. In that frame, renewable electricity must have its share. However, storing renewable electricity in large quantity and at long time-frame is not an easy task. While batteries are too costly, limited by their raw materials impact and their unavoidable self-discharge, pumped hydropower is not feasible everywhere, has an environmental impact as well and needs easily-available water and vertical drop (these sites are already saturated). In the end, power-to-gas and power-to-H2 is a real need (and necessary complement).  H2 is already produced in routine industry by AWE, notably for the fertilizers’ industry (via NH3 production), but conventional AWE systems are not intensive enough to reach the EU’s goals (6,5 GW of WE by 2030 in France, identical plans in Spain and Germany, for instance). This means that other technologies must come into play, like PEMWE and SOEC, and even AEMWE. On the side of the H2 utilization, after 40 years of intense R&D, PEMFC have reached sufficient maturity to become an industrial reality, notably in the heavy-mobility sector, where they outperform batteries and are way cleaner than ICEs. We are now living such deployments and this calls for questions about the sustainability of the approach. This Fishbowl session will launch the debate and will try to answer whether these technologies are critically relying or not) to so called critical materials (and metals).


A workshop in english animated by:

Marian Chatenet , Professor Grenoble INP

With Christophe Coutanceau, Professor in physical chemistry, Univ Poitiers / CNRS

And Jade Garcia, LCA projet manager, Symbio



What are the next steps for hydrogen vehicules?


Join our collaborative workshop, meet our experts. We propose  to learn, share experiences, discuss and exemplify this topic ! Some experts will share the state of the art at the beginning of the workshop. Then, in small sub groups, you will have the opportunity to discuss and share experiences and ideas on a specific angle of this topic : competitive outlook for storage and powertrain technologies, key issues to be tackled to make H2 mobility more democratic and user-friendly, protecting the value chain in Europe, key use cases and priorities …. . Don’t miss insights shaping the future of clean transportation !


A workshop in english, moderated by:

Matthieu Charrier, Lead Engineer at Green GT,

Julien Étienne, Chief Commercial Officer at HYVIA,

Bruno Jamet, Programs manager, Energy & Propulsionat at Pôle Véhicule du Futur,

Pascal Laude, Delegate for Ecological Transition, Innovation & CSR at Enedis,

Christian Maugy, Product marketing manager FC system & hydrogen storage system at Plastic Omnium

Jean-Pierre Riche, President of Phynix and Co-founder of Coalition Rétrofit H2.

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the forum